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Thursday, April 7, 2016

When do words turn to Weapons

I by NO means have exclusive rights to the 1st amendment. In fact, I have to wonder that when we as bloggers, either fairly new or well seasoned have a responsibility to be as fair and reasonable as the amendment some people are willing to hide behind. We are all allowed an opinion, it is when we cross the line from fact to opinion we lessen the value of the very right about. That line can be very wide and curvy. Do we owe to the others who read what we write to be right, morally and ethically? 

     A few days ago, I saw a tweet celebrating a ruling based on the 1st amendment . It was interesting that the "blogger" stated that "they were free to write anything they wanted no matter what it was" It kind of stuck in my crawl a little because it sounded like they were on a vengeful spree, and was about the release the "hounds of Truth" to the public. It appeared they were bent on making a public example of someone or something and use that amendment to hide behind. I would not be too excited over this "landmark case" On the website 1st amendment.org Link to cases , The game of wins vs. losses seems to be pretty split. From bloggers getting sued and losing, from bloggers getting fired and winning, it is a dicy game to play. 

     I am sure we have all seen blogs for various subjects. From wineries to restaurants , the Blogs seem to rule the service and various other facets in the world today. Think back to any "specialized blog" and try to remember all of the good things they say about a store an event or person. Then think about the one blog that literally blasted a company, person or business out of the water. Odds are the negative blogs will always stand out the most. 

     Maybe I was raised too long ago. I was taught If I did not have anything to say, not to say anything at all. Now I will admit to have tested that theory a few times, and like the website above, the verdicts and outcomes were varied, and some battles were fought to ensure a "victory". Reputations were needlessly damaged, and unnecessary wounds were healed. And shameful apologies were said. But I am sure scars remain for all involved. 

     I usually pass over and ignore "bad reviews" when I see them in Blogs, but I do remember helping out an owner of a winery once when someone literally blasted their business. The whole blog was hateful and personal from the 1st paragraph to the last word. She had even stated in her 1st lines, that she was no professional wine expert, but was "compelled" to tell the truth. She went on to talk about the mediocre wines, terrible service and the beating went on and on. It was not her blog, so I contacted the "editor and explained some serious flaws" Of course his response was "She has a right to say what she wants"

   Does she really? Was her post an opinion or based on facts? well like the Abbot and Costello comedy the answer is 1st amendment. It goes like this:

Abbott: Who writes a blog. You read the blog don't like it and blame Who.
Costello: Then Who gets it?
Abbott: Naturally.
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: Now you've got it.
Costello: I blame Naturally.
Abbott: You don't! You blame Who!
Costello: Naturally.
Abbott: Well, that's it—say it that way.
Costello: That's what I said.
Abbott: You did not.
Costello: I said I blame  Naturally.
Abbott: You don't! blame Who!
Costello: Naturally.

Abbot: 1st amendment! 

     When we attack a person place or thing in a blog, because we are "compelled", are we really helping anyone? Or are we showing our unforgiving nature and using the words to get even and show them they are messing with the wrong person? Now are words become a weapon.  And in case you were wondering that is the 2nd Amendment. 

     So how do I get around this issue? Well I have a plan. I just finished a blog on a winery. It is personal. I love and care about the owners dearly, and my writing is well....... If you have read this far into this you already know. I have sent them a copy for their review to make sure I have not omitted anything that would possibly injure the business. Seems fair to me. I want people to know how great they are. I have my opinions in there and they are clearly marked. BUT.... What if we had a "spat, would that give me the green light to publicly slam and shame them?  Of course not. So I have decided that when ever I post a blog about an private business for my "I would Like to Revisit Please" blog, I am going to send a draft to the management or owners. I feel if I have done it for one person, I should do that for all. If I do not get a response, then I will post it. That sounds easy enough but what about if I do not like the place? What if I can not find a reasonable resolution to a poor experience?

     I have that answer also. How many of you out there have had someone come to your home, and surprise you and the house is trashed? or you are in a bad mood? Are we that demanding for perfection on this planet that no place on this planet can have a bad day? Wouldn't you want a second chance? My answer is simple. I am going to hold off, and try and make a second visit. If it is bad as the 1st. Then I will feel compelled to....... NOT WRITE ABOUT IT AT ALL!!!! Just that simple. My silence is my protest. And that does not need an amendment or an apology.