
Seeing the country one pixel at a time.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Journey has begun

     What a crazy idea, to take time off from work, and take a motorcycle ride. Not just any ride, but a ride from Mexico to Canada no less! WHAT and use only one road? How boring is this going to be? ON A MOTORCYCLE?
     What started out as an Iron Butt ride to cover as many miles as I could in 3 days (about 3000 miles), has turned into a 9 day Journey. I pause to call it a trip. We take trips to the store, mall, and it is a short trip to work. There is no passion in a trip. It implies we have to do this to get what we want or need. A means to justify the ends.

     A  journey leaves you with a sense of romance, adventure and intrigue. Journey is defined as this 1.  Traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; 2. A distance, course, or area traveled or suitable for traveling. 3. A period of travel. 4. Passage or progress from one stage to another. This qualifies as a journey, plain a simple.
     How did I even get to this point? It is a fair question to ask. So here is the answer. I have always loved traveling, not just down any roads, but back country roads. I Love riding a motorcycle. I have over 400,000 miles riding on two wheels, and was an MSF rider coach for 12 years. Riding puts you in touch with the world around you in a way that a car cannot. You feel the temperatures change, you smell the earth change and breathe as the seasons change. You become part of the very experience as you travel from place to place. You can stop, in the middle of nowhere, and relish in the fact that you are living and at that moment it is the best it can be. Rain or shine, it matters not, because sometimes suffering through that rain or cold, meeting that challenge makes that one ride memorable. Seeing places that most people pass by, it can change you, and make your life a little richer. These are the roads I live for. This video is from some of the incredible back roads of Texas. And yes they are all on a map.

     Living here in Texas, I have plenty of back roads to explore, and at what I call the "Late Spring Chicken" Age of 56, I have plenty of time to enjoy them. I love seeing the forgotten home, visiting cemeteries as old as our country, discovering who lived where, and when. Hearing the stories from folks who were there "back in the day". Nothing beats hearing a story from someone who experienced a summer back in '45, and enjoying the sense of accomplishment they have at having survived the lean years of our past. Stories of farming, ranching or visiting the country store for a cold drink. I just grin from ear to ear when Someone says to me " You see that spot over there? Well back in 1947 that used to be where the old mill was and......" The story goes from there. They go into great detail about the people around and the work and ethos they displayed. The love of work, and the love of life as a whole. It didn't matter how hard they worked that day or how long the day was, they always had time for one thing. The most important thing. Each other. They took the time to visit, share life stories. I grew up in that environment as a child. My Relatives always had a story to share or a story to tell. I would sit in awe of hearing them. My Grandfather sharing with me about him seeing his 1st airplane, his 1st car and his 1st love. I had an uncle who liked to "tell" stories. There is a difference. If someone "shares" a story, it probably was something that they experienced 1st hand. NOW if someone "tells" you a story, add the grain of salt and realize odds are some items may be "altered". Both are important and wonderful to hear. Both can leave you laughing and wanting more. But the shared stories more than likely will leave you in awe. Told the right way, you are transported back in time. They are always special. So why not expand this love to other states?

     This is why I am traveling US Hwy 83. A road commissioned in 1926, starting in Brownsville Texas and ending at the border of Canada, It is 1885 miles of history from start to finish. While picking a route, I had the chance to read to books from Stew Magnuson and his travels along US Hwy 83. I was mesmerized by the stories, and the people he met. I made contact with Stew via Facebook, and joined his Fans of US Hwy 83 page. I wrote a quick post, and the response has been overwhelming! People giving me places to see, and people to meet. At this time, I wonder if 9 days will be enough! I am looking forward to meeting and making new friends along the way, and returning back to share stories of the ride and past experiences with them. Isn't that what a Journey is all about?

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